۱۳۸۷ آذر ۲۹, جمعه

Intimidation and threatening of Iranian Christians by the Information Ministery at the

FCNN 06-DEC-2008
Fcnn-(Farsi Christian news network) reports that by the nearness Of Christmas and new year celebrations, like previous years, Intimidation and threatening of Iranian Christians and specially new Christian believers, has began by the Information Minister ( Islamic secret police) in many different parts of the country.
In the last few days the intelligence officers and agents has summoned many Christian believers in Tabriz, Shiraz, Sanandaj, to their places and with violence forcing them for a written guarantee for not celebrating the Christmas gatherings and worships.
Fcnn-(Farsi Christian news network) also reports that in Tabriz and Shiraz provinces some heads of the Nedjat house churches had been summoned to the Information Minister and they have been accused to Spying for the foreigners and also with severe violence forcing them for not having any sort of contact with The other heads of Iranian Churches inside and outside of the country.
This same scenario by the Islamic secret agents also happened in Sanadaj and many other parts of the country as well.
We have to remind that Article 18 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Indicates that:
Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; This rightIncludes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or inCommunity with others and in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in Teaching, practice, worship and observance.
Fcnn-(Farsi Christian news network) condemns any inhumane and violent act towards our Christian brothers and sisters in Iran we are also asking all the human rights organizations to assist us in this regards.
We want to worship the only living God on earth, our Lord Josses Christ and celebrate his blessing birthday.

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